Lic. iur. HSG Bruno M. Bernasconi, LL.M. (N.Y.U.)

e-mail: b.bernasconi

Born: March 14, 1959, Zurich, Switzerland

Citizenship: Swiss

Languages: German, French, English, Italian, Spanish

pro bono

After having followed law studies at the University of St. Gallen (1979-1985) Bruno Bernasconi graduated from that University with the degree "lic. iur. HSG". His diplomathesis written in 1984 dealt with the impact of intellectual property rights in cross-border trade between the European Community and Switzerland.

After clerking in 1986 for courts in the french speaking part of Switzerland, he entered the postgraduate LL.M. program at New York University School of Law (1986-1987) and graduated from N.Y.U. in 1987 with an LL.M. in Trade Regulation. After his return to Switzerland and preparatory professional work at one of the larger law firms in Basel he took the Bar exam in 1990. Since then he is admitted to the Bar in Switzerland.

The year 1990 also marks his entrance into the private practice of law as a founding partner of Bernasconi & Bernasconi.

Bruno Bernasconi is a member of the Swiss (SAV) and Cantonal (AAV) Bar Associations, various other professional associations, such as the American Bar Association (ABA), the International Bar Association (IBA), the International Fiscal Association (IFA), the Association Suisse de l'Arbitrage (ASA), the Swiss Association for Land Use Planning (Vereinigung für Landesplanung; VLP), the Swiss Society for Environmental Law (Vereinigung für Umweltrecht; VUR), the Swiss Society for Business Management (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft; SGB), and Chambers of Commerce (Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce; Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Svizzera).

He serves on the boards of a number of Swiss companies doing business in the areas of real estate, financing, and technology.


  Main Areas of Professional Practice:
Diritto societario, diritto delle obbligazioni e dell’azioni
Tutela degli investitori e dell’investimento, Private equity
Diritto commerciale e dei contratti, nazionale ed internazionale
Legislazione edilizia e diritto immobiliare/normativa inerente gli appalti
Questioni giuridiche connesse ad attività d’affari all’estero (Norme per gli investimenti)
Diritto penale dell’economia/ Diritto e rogatorie internazionali
Diritto delle Telecomunicazioni
Pianificazione patrimoniale ed assistenza nei lasciti / Family Offices
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